
Coming soon...You will be able to click on the club name to learn more!
Club/Organization Sponsor
Academic Team

Mr. Pete Berg

ACE Club

Mr. Kenny Owens

Acquatics Mr. Charles Grace
Best Buddies

Mr. Tony Tate/Mrs. Pam Goldman

Brain Game

Mr. Pete Berg

Book and Bake Club Mrs. Beecher and Ms. Krell
Interact Club

Mrs. Cim McClelland

National Honor Society

Ms. Ann Kuper/Mr. Kevin Marler

Rainbow Hawks  Mrs. Flint
Robotics Club

Mr. Rob Weisbach



Speech Team

Mr. Lewis and Mr. Foss

Student Council

Mrs. Kelly Tate

STAR Club SGT. Tallis/TBD

Mr. Bullock

Bands of DCHS

Mr. Adam Bess & Mr. Chris Halstead

Choirs of DCHS

Ms. Jenna Crafts

Color/Winterguard (PROMO Here)



Mr. Nathaniel Adams