Decatur High Ability Academy
5106 S. High School Road
Indianapolis, IN 46221
Phone: 317-856-2109
For records requests, please contact:
Ms. Levario/Mrs. Conrad
(317) 856-2109
*The procedures used with students and parents for selection of and participation in any part of the District's academic, co-curricular, or extra-curricular programs do not discriminate on the basis of the Protected Classes.

The Application Window is OPEN
to Out of District Enrollment!
*Now accepting applications for students in grades 3-5 only. (updated 8.9.24)
*Admission based on academic critera and holistic review of school records.
*Students currently attending Decatur Township Schools do not need to apply.
Apply now using this link or the QR code below!
Not quite ready to apply, but interested in more information?
Complete our Interest Form for a conversation with a school leader!
Press Release: December 16, 2022: MSD of Decatur Township Launches the Decatur High Ability Academy as an Innovation School for Grades 3-6
Decatur High Ability Academy in the News:
Upcoming Events
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Coordinators' Corner
Visit the coordinators' corner for the latest messages to parents and students.