Meet the Officers
Chief Terance Smith

Chief Terance Smith is a twenty-one-year law enforcement veteran and recent retiree as the Assistant Division Commander of Training for the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. He was responsible for the continuing law enforcement education of more than 400 incumbent deputies as well as new academy probationary recruits. Due to this responsibility, he consistently attended training throughout the state in order to bring the most up to date and relevant training to the deputies of Marion County. He worked in multiple sections within the sheriff’s office including Tactical Operations, Motorcycles, Honor guard, Training Academy, and Community Engagement.
Chief Smith teaches regularly at The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy specializing in Cultural Competency. It is his vision that officers across the state achieve cultural competence rather than simply being aware of cultural nuances. Over the span of his career, he has received multiple awards and citations. However, in 2014 he was named “Sheriff’s Deputy of the year” and in 2021 awarded, “School Resource Officer of the Year” in region 7, by the National Association of School Resource Officers.
Chief Smith holds various state instructor certifications through the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board to include, Firearms, and Defensive tactics. In addition, Chief Smith holds various fitness certifications and is a 1st Degree Black belt in Traditional Tae Kwon Do, Olympic Style Tae Kwon Do, and Premier Style mixed martial arts. He is graduate of The Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Leadership Academy, and FBI SWAT school. He is an Alumni of Indiana State University and Martin University, and holds a bachelor's of science degree in criminal justice. Chief Smith is a firm believer in the National School Resource Officers Association triad model of “educator, informal counselor, and law enforcement officer.” He hopes to encourage Decatur officers to view their valuable work through the lens of this model each day.
Sergeant Jejuan Westmoreland

Sergeant Jejuan Westmoreland currently serves as a school resouce officer for Decatur Township Schools and is assigned to the Blue/Gold Academy and support for West Newton. Before being named and sworn in as one of Decatur's newest officer's in October 2021, Sergeant Westmoreland served as a school resource officer with Indianpolis Public Schools Police Department where he was responsible for the safety and security of Shortridge High School and IPS School 60. While serving at Shortridge, Sergeant Westmoreland implemented new ideas for traffic control as well as plans to provide additional safety measures for the school. He worked for 5 years in the Indianapolis Public School system working in multiple schools with K-12 students and also served on several safety committees as part of his duties. Sergeant Westmoreland loves working with and helping young people. He believes it is his calling and finds fulfilment in nurturing student potential. He enjoys seeing young people grow and do great things.
Prior to joining The Indianapolis Public Schools Police Department, Sergeant Westmoreland worked for the Marion County Sheriff's Office. He served for more than 3 years working in several different areas and was selected by the jail commanders to participate in the "Youthful Offender Program," where he was able to work closely with juveniles that wanted to change their lives for the better. He has participated in several training programs and is a graduate of the Marion County Sheriff's Office Basic Training Academy, Indiana Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA), and is also certified as Crisis Intervention Team member and National Association of School Resource Officers current member.
Officer Tabetha Emenaker

Officer Tabetha Emenaker has been a law enforcement Officer for 24 years. Thirteen of those years have been in a roll as a School Police Officer working with youths grades K-12. Officer Emenaker enjoys working in a well-diversified environment. She has lived both in the United States of America and in another country, which has given her the opportunity to live and learn of different cultures. Officer Emenaker is an Indiana Law Enforcement training academy graduate and looks for many opportunities to enhance her skills through training and daily experiences in the school-based policing environment. She is a mother of 2 children and feels that being an SRO gives her the benefit of not only being a police officer, but a co-parenting mentoring roll for the districts school children as well. Officer Emenaker believes being an SRO is a tremendous blessing because she gets to help students pave a way to wise decision, help them to see their potential, instill trust between students and police officers and be there for the parents in their times of need.
Officer Jacob Eidson

Officer Jacob Eidson currently serves as the School Resource Officer for Decatur Township School for Excellence. At DTSE officer Eidson encourages positive interactions with students and builds a safe environment for students to be able to learn and obtain the credits needed for graduation. Officer Eidson has served 9 years in the military and is an Army Veteran and currently serving as an Airforce Reservist. Officer Eidson helps to encourage and educate students at DTSE about the benefits of joining the military and how serving has shaped his life in such a positive way. Officer Eidson graduated from the Indiana University Police Academy and began his School Resource Officer Career at Indianapolis Public School. At IPS Officer Eidson found his desire to guide and mentor students and is glad to bring his experience and compassion to Decatur Township Schools.
Officer Kentrell Harris

Officer Kentrell Harris currently serves as the School Resource Officer for Decatur Middle School. Before coming over to Decatur Township Schools Officer Harris served as an SRO for Indianapolis Public Schools, where he was responsible for Positive Support Academy and ROOTs Academy. Both schools supported students with behavioral and mental health issues. Harris started his policing career at IUPUI as a cadet then went obtained his law enforcement certification through Indiana University Police Academy in 2019, while getting a bachelors in Public Safety. Officer Harris believes that being an SRO means being able to wear multiple hats. Being a resource for students, staff and parents while also holding those same individuals accountable for things that can jeopardize school safety. Officer Harris can be seen eating lunch, walking the halls and having individual handshakes with students because he believes that positive moments with authority figures can encourage positive behavior.
Officer Dennis Scott

Officer Dennis Scott started with Decatur Township School Police on June 28th, 2023 after retiring from Indianapolis Airport Police Department. Officer Scott is assigned to Valley Mills Elementary, Lynwood Elementary, and Stephen Decatur
Elementary Schools. After completing all the required training to become a School Resource Officer, he was appointed the Elementary Liaison for the police department. This is his first experience with being a School Resource Officer. Office Scott has lived in Decatur Township for 18 years and is proud to say his daughter graduated from DCHS in May 2023. Officer Scott strongly believes in the benefits of education and training. He hopes to obtain his master’s degree in the near future. Officer Scott appreciates the opportunity to make a positive impact with the students, parents, staff and community while working with MSD Decatur Township. Officer Scott hopes to give children a positive impression of police officers to strengthen their community relationship for years to come.
Officer "T" Tea'wanda Wrespress
Officer Wrespress has a passion to change the perspective of youth. She believes that it is a privilege and honor to serve in such a capacity as a Decatur SRO. She is always willing to bridge the gap between policing and youth. She's excited to use her valuable knowledge, experience and skills to become a greater asset to the staff, students and the Decatur community.
Officer Jeffery Frencher
Officer Frencher is a resourceful SRO focused on maintaining order and public safety while responding to emergencies and protecting people. Officer Frencher has over 13 years of experience in law enforcement and has been recognized for going above and beyond the call of duty. He looks forward to promoting positive student and community relations and sharing his time and talents with the Decatur Police Department. He is excited about the future of our students.