The Data Cafe at DTSE

Decatur Township School for Excellence offers a unique option for students in grades 10-12 to complete graduation requirements in a small school setting. “DTSE” combines “live” instruction with small group learning, which allows students to gain high school credits at their own pace. Programs for both credit recovery and early graduation are offered. This school year, DTSE students have earned a combined 782 credits so far! 

One strategy that promotes student progress and credit attainment is the Data Cafe. DTSE emphasizes that students need to understand and “own” their data in order to succeed. The Data Cafe is an opportunity for sophomore students to sit down individually with community members and staff from around the district to talk about their accomplishments and areas for improvement, as well as set goals for the upcoming months. To promote a comfortable setting, coffee and donuts are also provided for students and volunteers.

adult female and adult male smiling adult male talking to teenage boy at table 

Mrs. Kate Andrews, Principal of DTSE shared, “Data Cafe is a way for students to talk one-on-one to another adult (besides their teacher) about where they are in their journey here at DTSE. This includes grades, attendance, number of credits, etc. Data Cafe is also a great way for those outside of DTSE to see a glimpse into what our school is like and to get to know our students.” 

Students walk away from the conversations with two concrete goals to focus their efforts in the coming months. Amyla, DTSE sophomore student, reflected that, “The Data Cafe experience was really helpful, especially to see how many credits I have and need.” 

female adult talking to female teenager at a table coffee and donuts on a table

Additionally, the participation of adults from outside of DTSE offers new perspectives and role model influences for students. At the Data Cafe, one will often see community members, school resource officers, teachers, counselors, and even administrators from around the district participating, including Interim Superintendent, Dr. Hofer!  

3 adults

Assistant Principal Mr. Swafford, Interim Superintendent Dr. Hofer, and Principal Mrs. Andrews 


Thank you to all the volunteers, students, and staff, who make the DTSE Data Cafe a success!