Bus Code of Conduct

  1. Observe classroom conduct
  2. Be courteous, use no profane language
  3. Do not eat or drink on the bus
  4. Keep the bus clean
  5. Cooperate with the driver
  6. Do not smoke or vape
  7. Do not damage bus or equipment
  8. Stay in your seat
  9. Keep head, hands, and feet inside bus
  10. Do not fight, push, or shove
  11. Do not tamper with bus equipment
  12. Do not bring pets on the bus
  13. Do not bring flammable materials on the bus
  14. The bus driver is authorized to assign seats
  15. Have a safe trip

These are the bus rules posted on all buses. Please review these with your child. A big help would be to tell them “back to back” and “bottom to bottom.” This means keep your back on the back of the seat and your bottom on the bottom of the seat.

There have been several issues with students who are turned around in their seats, standing, and changing seats while the bus is in motion. Students who continue to behave in this manner will receive a behavioral write-up that will go to the school principal.

Please help assist the transportation department by reinforcing these policies and procedures with your child.