Exciting New Incentives at Decatur Middle School

MSD Decatur Seal

Decatur Middle School recently implemented a new incentive and reward structure, designed to reward students for making positive behavior choices at school. The incentive system is based on PBIS, or “Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports” that has been implemented around the district for many years. This new middle school system was designed by a committee of DMS staff, chaired by Mr. Andrew Ullrich and supported by SLC Director Mr. John McClure, who planned for 6 weeks and then presented details to staff and students in October of first semester. Mr. McClure explained that the Decatur Middle School goal is to create a culture of positivity. “As a school, we get better results by taking a positive approach to everything we do in the classroom and around the school. Engaging students in a positive way, using positive language for feedback, gets better results for student behavior,” explained McClure. 

Incentive Points

Students can earn up to 5 reward points per class period, tracked in an online system. Teachers reward students with points based on the school-wide expectations of Hawk PRIDE- positivity, respect, integrity, determination, and excellence. Teachers and students can log into the online system from any electronic device to track points. Students then have choice in how they use their points via the online “school store.” The store includes both tangible and intangible rewards including gift cards from local businesses, school supplies, fidgets, books, and experiences such as a positive call home from an administrator or opportunities to help out around the school. Mr. Ullrich is pleased with the positive feedback from students and teachers around this incentive system. “We are really excited to be able to celebrate all the great things our students accomplish on a daily basis,” said Mr. Ullrich.

The Hawk Hideout

Another popular incentive that can be purchased in the store or won in a weekly raffle, is an opportunity to have lunch in the “Hawk Hideout.” The Hawk Hideout is a fun, interactive space near the cafeteria, stocked with interactive board games and activities such as ping pong, foosball, Jenga, Uno, corn hole, basketball shoot-out, and more! Tables of students following expectations in the cafeteria can be rewarded with time in this room.  Students can purchase time and invite a friend or even earn enough points for their entire lunch table to enjoy the hideout. Mr. Ullrich shared, “The Hawk Hideout has been a super success. The kids love it; basketball shootout and ping pong are definitely the top activity choices.”  Mr. McClure added that, “It’s really exciting to see students enjoying the Hawk Hideout and having positive social interactions without their phones.” This is clear to see with any visit to the Hawk Hideout based on the smiles and laughter of students! 

The Hawk Hideout 2 girls eating lunch

3 boys and a police officer playing ping pong2 boys playing air hockey

Positive Impact

Mr. McClure also discussed the positive impact this incentive program can have on attendance. “If students feel welcome and positive, then they will want to come to school.” The incentive structure is just one part of the overall PBIS concept, which also includes a restorative discipline approach. Administrators, teachers, and counselors focus on turning discipline incidents into learning experiences by listening to students, offering alternate perspectives, solving problems together and ultimately positively impacting student behaviors. These strategies combined with a positive culture have led to a decrease in suspensions during the first semester of the school year. 


Thank you to the local businesses who have supported the PBIS efforts with donations including Dunkin’ donuts, Pasquale’s, Skyzone, Culver’s, Jack’s donuts, Burger King, and Teacher’s Treasures! If you are interested in supporting the PBIS incentive program at Decatur Middle School, they are always looking for donations of funds or items that would interest and excite their students. 

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